Sigur Ros - Takk (2005)
Genre- Indie Rock, Post Rock
Sigur Ros are from Iceland. When I think of Iceland I envision a cold, grey somber place. I also see the incredible beauty of the landscape. Perhaps geography plays a role in Sigur Ros’ sound. Like Iceland, Sigur Ros’ music is cold, grey and somber, however, shining above these grey tones is the pure monumental beauty of the music. It’s like a picture perfect sunrise on an Icelandic beach as the cold chill of the North Atlantic seeps into your core. On Takk, the cold breeze is the layered piano and strings that foretell the breaking of dawn. As the sun cracks the surface of the ocean and the first warm rays soften the chill, the piano gives way to a crescendo of pure guitar driven bliss that holds you until all is illuminated. Takk is Sigur Ros’ best album to date. It strips away some of the darkness from their previous work and dawns a new more uplifting sound. So far, this is the best album of 2005. Best songs are Glosoli and Gong.
Rating- 9.5/10