Genre- Indie Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, Noise Pop
To be honest I really can't review this album fairly. Mercury Rev is my favorite band and Boces is my favorite album. I discovered this album by accident in 1994. One day I asked my friend Pete to take a ride with me to the local CD shop. Unfortunately, he had to work, so he asked me to pick up a CD for him instead. He said a friend recommended that he buy the new Mercury Rev album. His friend described the album as "totally tripped out." I returned from the CD shop with Boces and a grunge album that I can't even remember. After listening to the grunge album I pondered whether to open Pete's Mercury Rev CD. You know, just to see how tripped out it really is. What the hell! Pete won't mind if I open it, right? It was around midnight when I slipped the headphones on. My head was very light for a variety of reasons and I was ready to be tripped out. The opening track "Meth of a Rockette's Kick" began to play and my first reaction was that of horrified disbelief. The singer was singing Ba-Ba, Ba-Ba, Ba-Ba and then there was some other un-conventional, un-rock instruments playing. I was just about to hit the stop button when the guitar began to rise. After twelve minutes of this dizzying song I was launched into outer space. I was definitely tripped out. To this day I have remained tripped out by this song and album. Boces represents a musical awakening for me. It wrung the last drops of metal from my soul and an indie rock fan was born. Boces changed my whole perspective on music and in the process made music my passion. I can't explain why it had this effect. I suppose Boces connects with me on a deeper level than any album before or after.
I have exceeded my self imposed review length and I have barely described the album. To make it short, Boces is the greatest album ever. It is noisy, loud and soft, quirky, intelligent, beautiful and well to sum it up, TRIPPED OUT! By the way, Pete never did get this album from me. I kept it and told him to buy his own. Pete eventually forgave me for my selfishness and now 11 years later we can still listen to Boces and feel the same as we did in the summer of 94.
Rating- 10/10